Iraqi Election Prove Lefties Wrong Again

One can never express strongly enough the total and absolute failure of the American Left to be correct on any issue. In the last three years, the Left has built on a record of being totally incorrect, even delusional, about the Soviet Union in the Cold War, to a series of emotional, and unfounded, inaccuracies about Afghanistan and Iraq. Never expressing any loss of face or sense of error, the Leftists continue to predict the worst for our country and our allies, as long as their folks are out of power.

This was the crowd that often argued the Cold War was caused by us provoking the Soviets, who were just like us (with the unmentioned exception of 10 to 40 million people they killed in the 20th Century and the complete suspension of free speech, elections and private property).

These pundits were sure that U.S. military action in Afghanstan after 9-11 would lead to an American defeat, like the Soviets' and Brits' failures.

Then they switched to "Afghanistan will be a quagmire"....

Then they vowed that free elections could never happen in Afghanistan....

Then they said that we would suffer major casualties taking on Saddam....

Then they said that he did NOT have WMD, but he would use them on US forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom.....

Then they said that we would be locked in a civil war in Iraq...with all of the factions fighting one another....

Then they said that the elections would never happen... they had no tradition of democracy...

After being wrong on every major foreign action and national security issue in our lifetime, why does anyone take this negative, fuzzy-headed crowd seriously?


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