Hurricanes and Climate Change

I am committed to renewable energy due to its positive environmental effects, but mostly because of its long-term cost-effectiveness and empowerment of people by decentralizing energy production. However, that does not mean that I must buy into the climate change (aka "global warming") theory.  In this period of horrible hurricanes, it is important to keep an objective mind set. Critical data does not support the premise that CO2 levels are a major driver that changes global climate. My previous posts have cited the geophysical data that shows no correlation between CO2 levels and temperature change in the earth's history. Now there is even more evidence that CO2 is a minor driver of temperature that is more than offset by negative feedbacks that overcome its warming effect.

Hurricane Frequency

The data simply do not support any notion that hurricanes are growing in frequency with CO2 levels.
Nor is there any correlation between CO2 levels and the occurrence of  wet and dry spells (CO2 increases plotted on graph):

Moreover, it is now very clear that the NASA/NOA "adjustments of temperature data have been used to systematically make it look like the "hottest year ever" by selective manipulation of the data set. Before their first major adjustment, the feds even reported no major temperature changes in the 20th century: 

Now there is routine adjustment to increase annual temperatures and to try to keep matching the theory. One of the most telling data sets is U.S. rural temperature data, which has no urban heat island effect or adjustments. It does not show much: 

The recent report on how the NASA/NOA adjustments have been rigged to change the reality of temperature records is also quite informative.  Some of their data is interesting because it bypasses the NASA/NOA selective screening and "adjustments." These temperature records all show the same thing (which is the reality without manipulation of the data to prove their hypothesis):

Local temperature records in New York City, New York State, Detroit, Chicago and the Midwest are fit into this same pattern (which is distinctly different from the data set cooked by NASA/NOA).

So we have no big warming going on and no increase in severe weather and no correlation of COS to any of this.

Using this argument of global warming to advance renewable energy is dishonest and also unnecessary.


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